Sunday, April 24, 2011

Among others

Here are some pics, inspired by silhouettes and the beach. Stuff that didn't make the cut for the website.

Pebble Beach, Ca. 2011.

Along Highway 1, Ca. 2010

Boca Chica, Ca. 2010

Sandgar Live!

Its been a whole two years since my last post. Since then I have graduated from SF State, traveled the states, and survived in SF as a freelance photographer and videographer. I have matured, I have learned, I have grown and I continue to want to explore. My camera still by my side.

I am rediscovering the beauty of old film. Both moving and still images. And through the help of my parents, started a collection of old vintage cameras. I am also researching overseas schools for cinematography. If you know of any, do tell.

I am eager to get back to journalism. I feel that I am well off, enough, where I can afford to become a journalist again. As most of you all know, journalist are poor starving artist and with the ever changing profession, most journalist make enough to scrap on by. Yet, its the people, the stories, the access to places and adventure that journalism brings to me, that I still can't let go of.

Until then, I will be shooting and posting more often than not. I just finished my website, so please go visit.

So Enjoy and thank you for visiting.
